White Mice


1 C. butter, softened
½ C. sifted powdered sugar
1 ½ t. vanilla
¼ t. salt
1 T. cold water
2 C. sifted flour
2 C. chopped pecans

Cream the butter, sifted powdered sugar and vanilla together. Add the flour and salt. Mix in the pecans and then chill the dough to make it easier to handle.

Preheat oven to 400. Roll a ball of dough into an oblong shape (or round) about 2” long and a thumb-width wide (about 1 ½ “ round). Place on an ungreased cookie sheet.

Bake 10 minutes or until set but not brown. While warm, roll in additional powdered sugar. If they’re too crumbly for that, sift powdered sugar over them while they are cooling on waxed paper.

Keep in a cool place.

For some reason, I have two recipes with different cooking times. In the second one, the oven is set to 325 and the baking time is 20 minutes. The outcome should be the same.